Vegan Resources for Travel in Morocco

Green health food store. Leading online marketplace for natural and organic products.

Promoting a culture of compassion, health and awareness. For the animals.

vegan food travel


I envision my project extending to Moroccan society, and culture. Including sanctuaries for stay animals. Supporting the one already existing and struggling and founding a global network of animal rescues.


Dedicated to sterilising, Rabies vaccinating and giving vital treatment to street cats and dogs that live in Essaouira and the surrounding area.

Protected animals and domestic pets.

Since our inception in 2014 Jarjeer has strived to create a sanctuary for the working equines in the Kingdom of Morocco. Our mission would not have been possible without the local men and woman that have supported Jarjeer from the beginning. Of course our Mule and Donkey rescues have been the primary focus of our mission but without local people the task would have been so much more difficult. Creating a secure work place with prospects for our staff not only assists our team but in turn benefits the local area and their families.
